Cast Your Vote For the New Seven World Wonders... Each Vote Counts

Posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

As you might already know, the elections for the New Seven Wonders is on... The new Wonders will be selected based on the votes form the people of the world.
Votes are recieved through SMS and direct site registration at You need an email-id to cast your vote.
If you wish to vote through SMS contact your mobile service provider to get the details. Most of the service providers are offering this voting service.

Each vote counts.. so do not forget to mark your presence. I request all the Indians to vote for Taj Mahal.
The results will be published on 7th July this year.. i.e. 07-07-07

Visit now and vote!


Draw Hearts In Your Orkut Scraps... See this tip

Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

If you are a bit crazy 'bout Orkut then here is something for you.
To draw hearts in Orkut use this in your scrap...


To color your hearts use the color tag like this...

[red] &#9829 [/red]    

Replace the color tag [red] with a colour of your choice. The Colours available are...
aqua, blue, fuchsia, gold, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, pink, purple, red,silver, teal, violet, yellow.


Create Fantastic Effects with Your Digital Camera - Photography Trick

Posted on Sunday, June 17, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

See the image above. This is not a software edited image. I caught this one on my Digital Camera [ Casio Exilim EZ-30 ]. Here is how to do that.

Most Digital Cameras have a Night Shoot mode for taking images in low light conditions. That mode will have slow shutter speed and low ISO value. Keep that setting. If you cant find such a mode use the menu to change to ISO to ISO 50.

The image above was taken at night while travelling in a car. To get such effects move the camera very fast while the sutter is being pressed. Like point the cam to the neon lights on the street and shoot while you are in a moving vehicle.

Experiment with various ISO modes to see the change. This is like a play with colours, so keep playing.

Good Luck!


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Some Exilim Hacks.. For Casio Exilim EZ-30 and Related Camera's

Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

While experimenting with my Digital Camera Casio Exilim EZ-30. I found the following things. It must work with Exilim EZ-40. I am not sure of the case with other cams in the same series but its worth a try... Here we go...

* Holding the 'DISP' button pressed swith on the camera [ Record mode]. The camera lens does not zoom out and the camera starts with the voice recorder. This can be useful when you wish to record a audio clip using the camera. As the lens does not zoom out, there is some savings in the battery.
Remember to keep holding the 'DISP' button untill the camera unit is on to get this result.

* Switch on the camera keeping the 'MENU' button pressed. Before the camera Switches on the LCD Screen shows the version of the software installed on your camera. This works in both Record and Play modes.
As in the other case remember to keep pressing the 'MENU' button till the camera unit is on.

* This works in the Play mode only. In the Play mode, when and image is being displayed press the 'SET' key and the shutter [ Half-Shutter ]. Then the image will get inverted. This can be useful when you wish to show someone the image conveniently. There is no need to press the shutter button fully. Half shutter will do. Press the half shutter again to return to the normal state.


Establish Paired Devices and Make Connections Without Confirmation On Your Mobile

Posted on Sunday, June 10, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

Every time a bluetooth connection is to be made, a request is made into the recievers phone. This can be very irritating if large number of files have to sent one by one. Instead you can establish the other device as a paired device [ and you become the pair for the second device ]. The process to Establish pair device in Nokia 7610 is discussed here. It must work on other phones too...

* In your Nokia phone go to connectivity and take Bluetooth.
* Press right arrow to enter the 'Paired devices' section.
* Select Options and choose ' New paired device ' . Then the phone searches for devices in its surroundings. The Bluetooth in the second device must be turned on so as to be detected by the first one.
* From the list that appears select the second device.
* The Mobile asks for a passcode. Key in some number. Now a request is sent to the second device. When the second device asks for the passcode enter the same code as entered in the first.
* Now the devices are paired. It will appear in the paired devices list.
* Choose this device and press options.
* From the options menu select ' Set as authorised ' and press ' yes '.

Now data can be sent to your phone without your confirmation. If you have to send data to the second device that one must make you authorised.

Note that fully authorised pairing can be risky. As files will be sent without your knowledge your device becomes open to virus attacks from the second one. Authorise only if you are sure that its safe.


Make A Person Disappear In To Thin Air Using Your Video Camera

Posted on Saturday, June 09, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

Here is an old Videography Trick for the Video geeks. Using this one you can make a video in which an object can be made to disappear into thin air!

All you need to make this one is a video camera [ we will just say camera from this point ] and a tripod stand for the camera. In case you dont have a tripod find some suitable place where you can place your camera so that it does not shake. The camera must have the capability to pause in between recordings.. i.e it must be able to stop recording at some point and then continue with the same video file wihtout creating a new file. Even if your camera dont have this capability we can make it all happen.

Place the camera in the tripod and tell some one to come in front of it. Record for a while and then pause the recording. Tell the person to move away from the frame and then continue recoding for some more time. Now stop recording and see the video. It appears as if the person have disappeared into the air!

If your camera dont have the function to pause between recordings then shoot the two parts as separate videos and then combine them in  your PC using some video editing software. Add some kind of music to the video to make your audience thrill.

When you are doing this care must be taken not to shake the camera. Also take care while you press the pause button in between. The slightest shake will spoil the effect. Use the remote control if your recorder has one.

Good Luck!

Tricks in the most simplest Text Editor - Microsoft Notepad

Posted on Friday, June 08, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

Notepad is the most simplest text editor that every windows user has got access to. Here are some things that we often miss out even if we use Notepad very often. These have been tested on Notepad ver. 5.1 and the Notepad that came with Microsoft Windoes 98 and should work well with other versions too. Here we go...

* You can use notepad to create a log file. Add ' .LOG ' to the beginning of a text document [ without the quotes ] and save it. The next time you open it the current system time and date is added to the document. So the text document works like a log file. Note that the word LOG is preceded by a dot [ . ] .

* Notepad can be launched by simply typing 'Notepad' or 'notepad' in the 'Run' Window [ without the quotes ] which can be brought up quickly by pressing the 'Windows Logo Key' + 'R'

* You can insert the current time and date [ as specified by your system clock ] in to Notepad by simply pressing F5.

* Notepad can open virtually any kind of file and is a good try for the file types that you do not know.


Orkut Changed the 'Submit' Button to 'Post Scrap' Button

Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

Till recently we had a 'Submit button' in Orkut. But Google have now changed this button to a 'Post Scrap' Button.

Earlier they had experimented with this button but then the page wouldn't Refresh after the submittion of each Scrap. Just the data would be sent. This was really useful especially for those with a slow internet connection, but it did not work properly. So at times we couldn't know whether the scrap was posted or not.

Now the change is just in the name...

Related Posts :
* Bring RSS or Atom Feeds Direclty to your Profile in to Orkut

Bring RSS/Atom Feeds Direclty to your Profile in to Orkut

Posted on Monday, June 04, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

Orkut recently added a new feature in to it. Now one can read the RSS/Atom Feeds from websites direclty from their profile. Lets see how...

* See the image 1. above. The homepage of your profile has a feeds button press that and you will be taken to 2.
* If you are a Blogger [ if your Google Blogger account and Google Account are same ], then your blogs will be listed here and you have to just press add to add those feeds.
* Else enter the address of the website from where you with to receive the feeds.
* Now see imgae 3. The Feed will appear as a separate button on the left side panel of your homepage. Click on this button to read the latest feeds.

Note that the website that you enter in step 3. must have RSS/Atom Feed capability. Else it wont work.


Let Your Visitors Send E-mail to You Directly From Your Website, Using this Instant-Mailer

Posted on Sunday, June 03, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

See the Sidebar of my blog and you will find the working example of the Instant Mailer that we are going to discuss here. This is a free service from .

This mailer sends the user input to am e-mail address that you specify and you can read the mail just like an ordinary email. Along with the email it also brings to you the sender's i.p address and the page from which it was sent. You can also specify the subject of the email that will be sent.

Here goes the code...

<FORM action= method=post
target=_blank><INPUT type=hidden value=" " name=fm-to>

<INPUT type=hidden value="Your Subject Goes here"

<INPUT type=hidden
value= name=fm-redirect>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1>
    <TD><TEXTAREA name=postBody rows=7 cols=23></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
    <TD colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Send Instant eMail" name=post>



Replace '' with the email address to which you wish recieve the email so that it reads... [ assuming that your email address is ]
<FORM action= method=post
target=_blank><INPUT type=hidden value="" name=fm-to>

Replace 'Your Subject Goes here' with the subject that you wish to see in youe inbox.

See this code...
<INPUT type=hidden
value= name=fm-redirect>
Replace '' with the full address of the page to which the user must be redirected after the message is sent. You can redirect the user to a ThankYou page or so.
As the mailer opens in a new window the user does not loses the original page that the user was initially in.

See this code..
<TD><TEXTAREA name=postBody rows=7 cols=23></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
Edit the numbers to adjust the size of the Text Area...

See this code
<TD colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Send Instant eMail" name=post>
Edit the value="Send Instant eMail" to modify the text that appears in the submit button...

So that's it. Feel free to use it on your website if you are a webmaster.


Set Default Status For Your Website, Here is the HTML Code...

Posted on Saturday, June 02, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

See the Status Bar Of The page that you are currently reading.. It reads " Welcome to milliOn cluEs . You are in b-zone! ". If you wish to add the same kind of Default Status for your Webpage, Use the following script.
Add this script some where in the body of the html code...

window.defaultStatus="Add Your Text Here";

Use this Default Staus to speak to your reader as this text can be seen from any part of the Webpage.
It works fine on Microsoft Internet Explorer. Mozilla Firefox and Opera gave a negative results.
