See the Sidebar of my blog and you will find the working example of the Instant Mailer that we are going to discuss here. This is a free service from .
This mailer sends the user input to am e-mail address that you specify and you can read the mail just like an ordinary email. Along with the email it also brings to you the sender's i.p address and the page from which it was sent. You can also specify the subject of the email that will be sent.
Here goes the code...
<FORM action= method=post
target=_blank><INPUT type=hidden value=" " name=fm-to>
<INPUT type=hidden value="Your Subject Goes here"
<INPUT type=hidden
value= name=fm-redirect>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1>
<TD><TEXTAREA name=postBody rows=7 cols=23></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Send Instant eMail" name=post>
Replace '' with the email address to which you wish recieve the email so that it reads... [ assuming that your email address is ]
<FORM action= method=post
target=_blank><INPUT type=hidden value="" name=fm-to>
Replace 'Your Subject Goes here' with the subject that you wish to see in youe inbox.
See this code...
<INPUT type=hidden
value= name=fm-redirect>
Replace '' with the full address of the page to which the user must be redirected after the message is sent. You can redirect the user to a ThankYou page or so.
As the mailer opens in a new window the user does not loses the original page that the user was initially in.
See this code..
<TD><TEXTAREA name=postBody rows=7 cols=23></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
Edit the numbers to adjust the size of the Text Area...
See this code
<TD colSpan=2><INPUT type=submit value="Send Instant eMail" name=post>
Edit the value="Send Instant eMail" to modify the text that appears in the submit button...
So that's it. Feel free to use it on your website if you are a webmaster.