Search Blogs Manually and Get Faster Add-free Results

Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 by Arun Basil Lal

The Blogger Navbar Has a Search Box in it, which delivers good search results. These Search results are faster than any other searche Engines and comes with no advertisments. The Navbar looks awkward on pages and most bloggers do not like it. Hiding the navbar doesn't violate the TOS so it is hidden on a large number of blogs (including MC!).

Bloggers use the Adsence for Search or the Google Custom Search Engine to add a search Service to their Blog. Both these Services are good but they come with Sponsored Links. If you wish to use the Navbar Search, which is much accurate (in comparison with Custom Search Engine) and Add-free use add ' search?q=Search Keyword ' (without quotes) to the end of the blospot blog address on the address bar, replacing Search Keyword with the Keyword that you wish to Search for.

1. To search for Google related posts on Million Clues! add search?q=Google so that the Address bar reads : ( see image) (we have used our site as an example and this works on all sites)
Manual Searching In Blogspot Blogs2. Search for Free Offers by adding search?q=Free so that the address bar points to:


1. If your Keyword contains multiple words, use + instead of white spaces. Like, if you wish to search for Google Search use search?q=Google+Search (
This Search shows all articles that contain the words Google and Search.

2. To Search for Posts that contain exactly Google Search, then add double quotes as in search?q="Google+Search" ("Google+Search")

Add-on! :
Try this tweak on other websites (non-blogger sites) and it might work. We tried this on Labnol and it worked.

3 Responses to "Search Blogs Manually and Get Faster Add-free Results":

Rajavanya Subramaniyan says:

but labnol is hosted on Wordpress I thought !!

How does he manage to keep contents on both blogger and wordpress ?

Arun Basil Lal says:
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Arun Basil Lal says:

Labnol might be hosted in Wordpress, but he has got a private domain, like you have for yourself.
I think he has crosslinked all the old articles to blogspot and fresh articles are in wordpress. When he shifted he just moved the atom feed.
So he has all the old readers and all the new visitors to blogspot will find his blog too...
I have read in some article at Labnol, that starting a blog in blogspot was one of the mistakes that he (Amit) did.