Emergency FlashLight In Your Nokia SmartPhone

Posted on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 by Arun Basil Lal

I have seen a software which when installed on your phone, keeps the display on for infinite time or till the battery dies out, so that you can use your phone as a flashlight for emergency purposes.

Here are some ways to keep the display on without any such softwares:

* The key combination to lock the keypad is to be used. Its a combination of 2 keys, first one is the left selelctor key ( In Nokia7610 ) followed by the '*' key. Press the first key followed by * and do not release the * key. Now the display stays on untill you release the * key.
Make sure that the background on your standby mode is of light colours so that you will get more light.

* One another method is to record a video of something white at some place where there is amble light. Usually Smartphones keep the display on while a video is being played. Now play the recorded video and the display stays on.

Tested on Nokia 7610 and must work with similar phones.
Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous 2008.
Good Luck!