If you wish to know how these photos were made, then read my article on creating them. [ http://millionclues.blogspot.com/2007/06/create-fantastic-effects-with-your.html ]. Its a pretty simple trick and anyone can try.
Ghostly Streaks

The hues of the dusk when captured from my moving car. It gave a wonderful effect as you can see here. And one good thing is that this pic matches very well as a desktop wallpaper with the default windows XP Theme.
Red Bulb! Blue Bulb!

Can you guess what this is..? My dad told it was drawn in Photoshop. My sis said it looks like Jalebi! but believe me its a real photo. I moved my camera in front of the indicator lamps of my Inverter while the camera was in Night mode ( Read the page that the above link points to ).
2 Responses to "The Night Mode - Motion Photos":
Oh, beautiful pics! I especially love the blue one. Just breathtaking! :)
Thanks for your comments on my blog, as well! Collage's can be difficult or they can be easy...just depends on your style, I suppose. I think I would find it a lot more difficult in Photoshop than on paper! But I'm just learning photoshop. :)
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