Why people read blogs to make decisions and not ordinary websites...?

Posted on Sunday, May 27, 2007 by Arun Basil Lal

I have heard that people often read blogs to get quality tips and suggestions rather than websties. Like when you are going to purchase a camera. You read the ofiicial webistes of various cams to get the technical details. But when it comes to choosing one most of the poeple goes to some blog.

This is because reading from a blog is like getting the personal opinion of the blogger. It would be like asking for suggestions to a friend. And reading the company website is like talking to a company representative. A representative will highlight to pro's of the cam and will leave the cons behind. But when you read from a blog its from the blogger's personal experience. All the pros and cons come to the centre stage. So there is nothing hidden.

So the reason why blogs become so popular these days is explained!

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