[ This is not a post. This is the Guide to add your link to my blog ]
This is a mutual arrangement between you and me. To be eligible to add you link here you must have a website or blog of your own ( or has control over the same ). As I said this is a mutual arrangement. When I place your link here you must be ready to place a link to my blog on your website. But if you are hosting a website for some kind of charity purpose that reaches to the needy people of the world your link will be added here without any kind of mutual arrangement.
To place your link here you have to agree to the following conditions.
* Your website does not have any adult content ( of pornographic nature )
* Your website must be a legal website
* Your website must be atleast 30 days old and should contain atleast 30 good quality entries that reflect the nature of your website or Blog
* You agree to place a link to my blog on your homepage which reads ' Million Clues ' and points to my blog ( http://www.millionclues.blogspot.com/ ). You can also use ' milliOn cluEs ' or ' MilliOn CluEs ' instead of ' Million Clues '. ( A prefered code is given below )
It is to be noted that the final decision regarding the plcement of the link will be mine and I reserve the right to modify your link ( change in position with any change of layout of my website or change of color or likewise changes ) or even remove your link without any prior notice or reason.
Also please note that your link will be removed if I find the link to my website missing on your homepage or is unsatisfactorily placed ( In either case you will be informed via email )
Please note that when I name your link it will have the first letter capitals and will be shortened so as to contain itself in a single line on my homepage. It will be placed at a suitable location on the list so that the list looks great.
No issues regarding the link will be entertained. Complaints, if any will be seriously dealt at the earliest and necessay action will be taken at the earliest. Please note that the action can be either a modification of your link as requested or removal of the same and cannot go any further.
[Html Code]
<a href=" http://millionclues.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" title="Blog By Balal -> Read about Technology, Computers, Gadgets, Cool Websites, Hacks, Tutorials and much more...">MilliOn CluEs</a>
I welcome your link to my website. Please send me your link. Include the name to be displayed, The website where my link is ( or will be ) displayed and your email address. You will be contacted via email at the earliest. My email address is arunbasillal@gmail.com. Feel free to write to me.
Thanking you in advance.
Note : This Document is subject to change without prior notice.
First Compiled : 30 December 2006
Updated On : 06 January 2007
Terminology :
Me, Publisher - Arun Basil Lal
e-mail - arunbasillal@gmail.com
Blog - http://www.millionclues.blogspot.com/
b - Balal [ My Nickname ]
You - Anyone who reads the blog